Best practice made perfect
Established in 1897, MARIO FRIGERIO S.P.A. brand belongs to the Wire & Rope Machinery Division of MFL GROUP ( and it is one of the oldest and most reliable brands in the field, recognized as the benchmark of made in Italy excellence.
Over the last twenty years, the company has consolidated its leading position and has reinforced its presence abroad, standing out as the leader in the manufacture of Drawing Lines, Low Relaxation PC Lines, Single-wire and Multi-wire electrochemical and Heat-treatment systems, complete with Pay-offs and Take-ups. In today’s market MARIO FRIGERIO is also considered the market leader in Stranding and Closing Lines for wire ropes.
In 2020, with the acquisition of ERNST KOCH GmbH, MFL GROUP and MARIO FRIGERIO has completed its portfolio of products in the Wire and Rope with Reinforcement Steel Wire Lines as well as Cold Heading Wire Lines.
Applications and markets
- Agriculture
- Automotive
- Equipment
- Energy
- Mining
- Ropes: Cableways rope, Elevator rope, Galvanized rope, , Haulage rope, Hosting rope, Mining rope, Fishing rope, Bridge rope, fibre rope, Crane rope, in general all type of strands & ropes.
- Fencing wire, Fishing wire, Galvanized wire, Hook wire, Nail wire, Smooth wire, Construction: Baling wire, Cold Rolled concrete wire. Galvanized wire, Mesh wire, PC strand, PC wire,
- Steel fiber, Welding wire, Spring wire, , Bearing wire, Steel cord, Sealing wire, Control cable