Technical Working Groups
The EWRIS Technical Working Group (TWG) is entrusted with all technical issues of the wire rope industry and wire rope manufacture, including standardisation at international and European level. The Technical Working Group is also entrusted with liaising with technical institutes and organisation from third countries and can establish relations with machine manufacturers and other relevant parties.
The goal of the TWG is to ensure that the interests of EWRIS members are represented and protected in national and international standard and to support the development of Essential Health and Safety requirements for Wire Rope and associated Accessories.
The TWG provides a forum for agreement on standardisation which can then be fed into the relevant ISO and CEN working groups, of which numerous of our members have direct representation.
The Wire Rope Technical Board (WRTB) in the United States performs a similar role, influencing ISO standards and the national ANSI standards.
The WRTB is an association of engineers representing companies that account for 90% of the wire rope produced in USA.
Its objectives are:
- Promotion of development of engineering and scientific knowledge relating to wire rope
- Support in establishing technological standards for military, governmental and industrial use
- Development and acceptance in implementation of safety standards
- Support to extend the uses of wire rope by disseminating technical and engineering information to equipment manufactures, and
- Conduction and/ or underwrite research for the benefit of both industry and user.
Because of the commonality of objectives and the influences of the USA and Europe in international standards, the EWRIS TWG and the WRTB have an annual meeting to share information and discuss any issues.